
Open the «Stores» → «Configuration» section inside the Magento 2 backend.

The «Stores» → «Configuration» section in the Magento 2 backend

The Stripe extension settings are located in the «Mage2.PRO» → «Payment» → «Stripe» section.

The «Mage2.PRO» → «Payment» → «Stripe» section in the Magento 2 backendThe «Stripe» extension settings in the Magento 2 backend


The «Stripe» → «Enable?» option.
Using this checkbox you can enable or disable the extension.


The «Stripe» → «Title» option.
The specified title will used everywhere on the store's frontend:
  • for the Stripe's payment form on the checkout screen;
  • in the sales documents;
  • in the customer's account;
  • in the transactional emails.

Test Mode?

The «Stripe» → «Test Mode?» option.
The test mode allows you to test your integration thoroughly before taking it live.
All of Stripe's features are available in test mode, though no live charges using the card networks can be created.
The test and live modes were designed to function almost identically, with a few necessary differences:
  • In test mode, credit card transactions are not processed through the actual card networks and only our test card numbers can be used.
  • Test mode allows you to fake having a Stripe balance in order to test (fake) transfers.
  • Alternative payment methods such as Bitcoin have a more nuanced flow in live mode, with more steps required than those in test mode.
  • Disputes also have a more nuanced flow in live mode, and a simpler testing process.

Test Secret Key

The «Stripe» → «Test Secret Key» option.
Your API keys are available through the Dashboard.
If you cannot see your API keys in the Dashboard, this means that you are not an administrator for the account, and have only Read & Write or Read Only access. You will need to contact your Stripe account's administrator to request access to view the API keys.

Test Publishable Key

The «Stripe» → «Test Publishable Key» option.
Your API keys are available through the Dashboard.
The publishable key is meant solely to identify your account with Stripe, it is not a secret.

Live Secret Key

The «Stripe» → «Live Secret Key» option.
Your API keys are available through the Dashboard.
Keep your secret API key confidential.
Your account's secret API key can perform any API request to Stripe without restriction.

Live Publishable Key

The «Stripe» → «Live Publishable Key» option.
Your API keys are available through the Dashboard.
The publishable key is meant solely to identify your account with Stripe, it is not a secret.


The «Stripe» → «Webhook» option.
This URL is used to notify your store about events that happen in a Stripe account.
Set it in the webhooks settings section of the Dashboard.
Before going live, test that your webhook is working properly.

Payment Currency

The «Stripe» → «Payment Currency» option.
This option defines the currency which will be used to interact with Stripe.
You can choose one of the following options:
  • Your base Magento currency.
  • The current order currency.
  • An exact currency picked from the dropdown here.

Payment Action for a New Customer

The «Stripe» → «Payment Action for a New Customer» option.

A customer is regarded as new, if he does not have any order in the «Completed» or «Processing» state.

The 3 actions are available: Authorize, Capture, and Review.

Stripe supports separately authorizing and capturing money on cards. It’s like two-phase commit for payments. This makes some new payment flows possible—most notably, capturing funds only when an order is ready for shipping.

In addition to capturing the full amount, you can also capture less than the amount originally authorized by passing an amount parameter. An authorization left uncaptured for 7 days will be automatically reversed.

There are some caveats: occasionally, a bank will show an authorization as an actual charge. As such, using this in cases where the customer doesn’t expect to be charged can be confusing. It’s worth thinking carefully about your use-case. Stripe does not charge any fees on uncaptured charges, and fees after you capture are the same as any other charge.

Payment Action for a Returned Customer

The «Stripe» → «Payment Action for a Returned Customer» option.
The 3 actions are available: Authorize, Capture, and Review.


The «Stripe» → «Description» option.
It is shown in the Stripe web interface alongside the payment.
If you use Stripe to send automatic email receipts to your customers, your receipt emails will include the description of the payment(s) that they are describing.
You can use some variables in the description.

Dynamic statement descripor

The «Stripe» → «Dynamic statement descripor» option.
An arbitrary string to be shown on your customer's bank card statement.
This may be up to 22 characters, may not include <>"' characters, and will appear on your customer's statement in capital letters.
Non-ASCII characters are automatically stripped.


The «Stripe» → «Metadata» option.
Stripe supports adding metadata to the charges.
Metadata is for your use only: it isn't shown to customers.
Through metadata, you can associate a meaningful to you information with Stripe activity.
Any metadata you include will be viewable in the Dashboard (e.g., when looking at the page for an individual charge), and will also be available in common reports and exports.
As an example, your store's order ID can be attached to the charge used to pay for that order.
Doing so allows you, your accountant, or your finance team to easily reconcile charges in Stripe to orders in your system.

Require the cardholder's name?

The «Stripe» → «Require the cardholder's name?» option.
Stripe does not require it, but you can require it from your customers.

Prefill the cardholder's name from the billing address?

The «Stripe» → «Prefill the cardholder's name from the billing address?» option.

Require the billing address?

The «Stripe» → «Require the billing address?» option.
If checked, Magento will require the billing address. It is the default Magento behavior.
If unchecked, Magento will not require the billing address, and even will not ask for it.

Minimum Order Total

The «Stripe» → «Minimum Order Total» option.
The Stripe payment method will not be shown to a customer with a lower order amount.

Maximum Order Total

The «Stripe» → «Maximum Order Total» option.
The Stripe payment method will not be shown to a customer with a higher order amount.

Country Restriction

The «Stripe» → «Country Restriction» option.
The 3 options are available: No, Whitelist, and Blacklist.


The «Stripe» → «Countries» option.
Customers from which countries can (or can not) use the method?